Some Thoughts Lyrata BarrettJun 25, 2020Lyrata BarrettJune 22, 2020 We as a group are evolving at a ferocious pace, caused by a number ofuniversal factors all dove tailing at the same time. We are moving from thePiscean Age where we spent the last 2500 years. That age is closing outand a new age is opening to us - the Aquarian Age.That is huge in an of itself as a New Age means we are stimulated bycompletely different energies on all levels than we were before. As the oldAge closes it out it takes with it all that will no longer be necessary. Thus,the extinctions we are seeing in each of the four kingdoms. As the NewAge comes in it assists in the breaking down of structures that will not applyin the New Age.Additionally, we are moving into another shift in energy that is a universalmarker that many know nothing about. We are moving from the 6 th Raywhich has been moving out of manifestation since 1625 A.D. into the 7 thRay which began to come into manifestation around 1675 A. D. These areto us slow moving markers.Under the 6 th Ray the emphasis has been on authority, belief in a higherpower, the need for, and the devotion to an intercessor, a Priest, a Guru toconnect humanity to that higher power, devotion, transcendence, militaristicpower. “Might makes Right”.As the outer edges of the 7 th Ray seep in and become more entrenched ourworld will change drastically from the preceding one. Here individualunderstanding becomes more important and direct knowledge, bringingSpirit into Matter.We honor George Floyd for his sacrifice which stirred the heart and angerof Humanity to for us to stand and say No More! No more to treatingindigenous peoples as less than. No more thinking the life of a blackperson is worth nothing.We are evolving. We are discovering our sovereignty and through it willfind new impetus, a stronger vision still with a Love for All People. We willallow ourselves to be separated or divided by hate, greed, racism, orprejudice.We stand together and shout as we release as one voice, breaking thephysical and metaphorical shackles that have imprisoned us and tried toenslave and our minds, our hearts, our bodies, and our vision.We are awakening to a new day fueled by the work of those who havegone before us. Martin, Malcolm, Rosa, Stokely, Huey and Bobby Sealethank you for your work and your sacrifice to the cause of liberation andequity for people of color. Angela, we need you now more than ever topoint the way to a new and stronger world built on equity, love and respectfor all indigenous people’s worldwide.May the day arrive when it is no longer necessary to mention color for, weknow that there is only the one Race – the Human Race. We go beyondthe color of skin to the Oneness that exists before that the division intocategories. There only exists one race, the human race. Let no one speakabout the color of one’s skin ever after these days.We now go forward. There is work to be done as we prepare to rebuild anew world.
Lyrata BarrettJune 22, 2020 We as a group are evolving at a ferocious pace, caused by a number ofuniversal factors all dove tailing at the same time. We are moving from thePiscean Age where we spent the last 2500 years. That age is closing outand a new age is opening to us - the Aquarian Age.That is huge in an of itself as a New Age means we are stimulated bycompletely different energies on all levels than we were before. As the oldAge closes it out it takes with it all that will no longer be necessary. Thus,the extinctions we are seeing in each of the four kingdoms. As the NewAge comes in it assists in the breaking down of structures that will not applyin the New Age.Additionally, we are moving into another shift in energy that is a universalmarker that many know nothing about. We are moving from the 6 th Raywhich has been moving out of manifestation since 1625 A.D. into the 7 thRay which began to come into manifestation around 1675 A. D. These areto us slow moving markers.Under the 6 th Ray the emphasis has been on authority, belief in a higherpower, the need for, and the devotion to an intercessor, a Priest, a Guru toconnect humanity to that higher power, devotion, transcendence, militaristicpower. “Might makes Right”.As the outer edges of the 7 th Ray seep in and become more entrenched ourworld will change drastically from the preceding one. Here individualunderstanding becomes more important and direct knowledge, bringingSpirit into Matter.We honor George Floyd for his sacrifice which stirred the heart and angerof Humanity to for us to stand and say No More! No more to treatingindigenous peoples as less than. No more thinking the life of a blackperson is worth nothing.We are evolving. We are discovering our sovereignty and through it willfind new impetus, a stronger vision still with a Love for All People. We willallow ourselves to be separated or divided by hate, greed, racism, orprejudice.We stand together and shout as we release as one voice, breaking thephysical and metaphorical shackles that have imprisoned us and tried toenslave and our minds, our hearts, our bodies, and our vision.We are awakening to a new day fueled by the work of those who havegone before us. Martin, Malcolm, Rosa, Stokely, Huey and Bobby Sealethank you for your work and your sacrifice to the cause of liberation andequity for people of color. Angela, we need you now more than ever topoint the way to a new and stronger world built on equity, love and respectfor all indigenous people’s worldwide.May the day arrive when it is no longer necessary to mention color for, weknow that there is only the one Race – the Human Race. We go beyondthe color of skin to the Oneness that exists before that the division intocategories. There only exists one race, the human race. Let no one speakabout the color of one’s skin ever after these days.We now go forward. There is work to be done as we prepare to rebuild anew world.